Script to Screen is our screenwriting project that creates opportunities for young people to showcase their work to the screen industry. 

Studio12 have formed a special partnership with Screen Yorkshire on their Beyond Brontës initiative, established in 2019 to address under representation within the screen industries. Breaking down barriers that can prevent young people aged 18 – 24 from diverse backgrounds establish careers in the creative industries, training is tailored to the individual and typically includes: internships, careers information, one to one support, skills training and mentoring. 

Working closely with local industry, Beyond Brontës is designed to reflect the growing opportunities for young people who wish to enter the screen industries in the region – against the backdrop of a national drive to grow these industries outside of London. 

In partnership with Beyond Brontës, Studio12 are running a series of workshops to address the non-traditional routes into the media industry, working with young people to support them in the process of presenting ideas professionally to media outlets. 

Are you interested in joining this group? Drop us an email and we will put you on the next workshop. 




Workshop 1: How to Pitch your Film and TV scripts – Alex Usborne  
Participants brought scripts, outlines, treatments or any synopsis they had been working on. We heard advice and tips on how develop ideas by Alex from 104 films, who has vast industry experience, running many pitching sessions over the years. Participants explored their ideas within groups, encouraging them to get used to sharing thoughts and ideas. 

Workshop 2: Performance Poetry – Khadijah Ibrahiim        
Khadijah is the Artistic Director of Leeds Young Authors and producer of Leeds Youth Poetry Slam Festival. With her wealth of experience and phenomenal poetry performance skills, this session introduced our participants to a different style of writing – how to write for performance, and more importantly how to deliver with confidence and presence. 

Workshop 3: Comedy Scripts – How to be Funny Danielle Ward 
With the push to create more digital content for online platforms, broadcasters are increasingly looking for new, fresh comedy writers, projects like comedy 50/50 have really put comedy on the map. One of the many questions people ask is – do you need to be funny to write for comedy? This session explored the art of writing comedic scripts and how to pitch them. 

Workshop 4: Pitching to a Commissioner 
After weeks of networking and developing their scripts and ideas, participants got the rare opportunity to pitch ideas to high profile commissioners in groups, delivering their best elevator pitch. 

Commissioner Panel: 
Anna Hall: True Vision 
Claire Judge: True North         
Rebecca Papworth: CanCan Productions 
Will Rowson: Channel4 Commissioning Editor, Factual 

“What a lot of talent in Leeds! Thank you Studio12 & Beyond Brontës for hosting!” – Anna Hall, True Vision 

Thanks for having me in such good company! And good luck on your pitches Beyond Brontës and Studio12, They’re lucky to be hearing from you! – Danielle Ward, British Stand-up Comedian & Writer